FREE resistance bands

Are you physically disabled? Sign up for our newsletter using this form and receive a free set of resistance bands to help you stay active

You must be a UK resident and physically disabled to apply.

* Please note that these bands are made of latex and are not suitable for use by anyone with a latex allergy.

Apply now

WheelPower's free resistance bands

The WheelPower Resistance Bands Programme began in response to the Covid-19 pandemic in 2020, and to date it has supported over 1250 disabled to stay active from their homes.

The arrival of a set of bands from WheelPower meant that people of all ages who were shielding now had the equipment needed to maintain their fitness and improve their health and wellbeing. In a set of latex Resistance Bands from WheelPower you will find:

  • 5 bands of different colours/strengths.
  • Hand grips
  • Ankle straps
  • Door anchor

Resistance training builds resistive power in body muscles and there are many benefits to adding these exercises to your weekly routine. The bands can be used when taking part in a live class, or whilst watching one of our many online workouts. They are great for warming up before exercising, strength training or physical therapy rehabilitation.


5 Simple Exercises to do with your WheelPower Resistance Bands

All videos created by the J motion video production company

Apply for your resistance bands now