Online Adaptive Box-Fit Class with Luiz
Join WheelPower and Luiz Faye for a FREE Online Adaptive Box-Fit Class from home...
In your home or garden!
“During these workouts, I hope to make exercise fun and exciting, whilst simultaneously working on exercising our upper body muscles, helping to keep us fit and active." - Ella.
Ella is one of the two Physical Activity Advisors working alongside the physiotherapy rehabilitation teams at the National Spinal Injuries Centre at Stoke Mandeville Hospital. She provides support and advice for newly spinal cord injured individuals on a varied range of life and fitness skills, and regularly hosts exercise sessions with the patients.
Local resident Ella Archer is a former GB Wheelchair Basketball Under 25 Women’s European Championships silver medalist with a passionate advocate for wheelchair sport. Ella has a long association with WheelPower since childhood when she would attend various sports camps and events at Stoke Mandeville Stadium. Ella is a member of the Stoke Mandeville Maulers (wheelchair rugby) and the Aces Wheelchair Basketball team. In 2022 she played for the Cardiff Met Archers Wheelchair Basketball team in the inaugural BWB women’s premier league, the first para-sport professional league in the UK, and the first of its kind for women’s wheelchair basketball in the world.
During the Covid-19 pandemic Ella supported WheelPower with the creation of online exercise resources for disabled people looking to stay active from home. Ella’s friendly, engaging and knowledgeable style has made her a firm favourite with the disabled community throughout the UK. In May 2021 her story and that of the Online Classes was featured on the BBC One Show, showcasing the importance of these classes for many thousands of disabled people.
Outside of the sporting sphere, Ella is an experienced television researcher. She has worked for host broadcasters at multiple Paralympics, and Commonwealth Games and has been credited on numerous documentaries, features and TV shows, including the wonderful Rising Phoenix Netflix film which documents the history of the Paralympics to the present day.
Since 2020 Ella has created lots of brilliant online resources to help disabled people to stay active from their homes.
Before taking part in the following WheelPower Workouts please remember to always seek advice from your GP, Physio or a trained exercise professional regarding the type and the amount of physical activity and exercise you should be doing.
Meet your Instructor – Ella Archer (GB Wheelchair Basketball Under 25 Women’s European Championships silver medalist) introduces you to five circuit sessions aimed to keep you fit from your homes.
In this video, Ella will suggest and explain some examples of household equipment that you can use to workout. She will also run through 5 upper body exercises, that will work out our Triceps, Biceps, and many other upper limb muscles.
In this video, Ella introduces 5 new upper body exercises to add to your circuit session. Once again, we will be performing each exercise twice, working hard for 30 seconds and then resting for 30 seconds. This workout will also include a 5-minute warm up and cool down, to make sure our muscles are stretched out before and after the session to prevent injury.
In this video, Ella challenges you to complete the Half Deck Card challenge. For this challenge you must pick an exercise for each suit in a pack of cards (four exercises in total) and repeat that exercise for the number of reps on the card. “You can replicate the same exercises as me or you can choose your own exercises, Its totally up to you. Good Luck!”
Here is an added extra workout video of Ella giving you some workout ideas on the incredible Invictus Active Trainer.
In this video, Ella provides us all with a much needed change of scenery to make the most of the summer’s sunshine. If you don’t have a garden this workout can once again be completed in the comfort of your living room.
In this video, Ella will be revisiting the 10 exercises that we practiced in videos one and two. We will be putting them together and performing each exercise once. The aim will be to use this video to measure if you have improved on these exercises before we start adding in new exercises to master!
In this video, Ella brings us a whole workout using our resistance bands. During this session we mix up exercises by attaching our resistance bands to our door frames or around our wheelchairs. Hopefully, this video will give you a few ideas on how to get the full potential from your resistant bands.
Today we are going to do a full workout without any equipment needed! You have no excuse, and just enjoy waving your arms around in the air!
In this workout, we flip a coin to decide our next exercise! If we flip a heads, then we will perform an exercise from the ‘hard’ list; and if we flip tails, then we perform an exercise from the ‘easy’ list! Even we don’t know what is coming next, so enjoy!!
In this new WheelPower Workout Ella is joined by her special guest Alice. Together they will be demonstrating a series of exercises that you can do on the floor to help stretch your whole body out.
With the weather improving and summer on its way I have decided to head back out into my garden for a Wheelchair Workout in the spring sunshine! You can also replicate this workout indoors if the weather or outside space isn’t suitable.
"Thanks Ella, Loving the energy and vitality you bring to these workouts! Feeling so much benefit already. Less muscular aches and pains overall and a daily endorphin boost to boot. Fantastic job!" - YouTube User.
These primary online exercise classes are aimed at ages 5-11
It is time to become a real-life Superhero with this WheelPower Workout from Ella!
In this 20 minute session we will be transforming into a variety of different Superhero’s and performing their iconic moves. You don’t need any equipment, but if you would like to dress up as your favourite superhero, then we would strongly encourage this!
Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells, Jingle all the way with this WheelPower Workout from Ella! In this 20 minute session it’s time to spread some Christmas cheer and take part in a Christmas Workout together (mums, dads, brothers, and sisters can take part too!) We will be performing a variety of different sporting moves to get us prepared for Christmas day! All you need for this workout is something that you can use as a weight, for example tins of soup or beans.
It is time to transform into your favourite animal with this WheelPower Workout from Ella! In this 20-minute workout we will transform into a variety of different animals and perform their movements.You don’t need any equipment for this workout, but if you would like to dress up as your favourite animal and make the noises, then we would strongly encourage this!
It is time to turn ourselves into a real-life hero or princess, with this WheelPower Workout from Ella! In this 20-minute workout we will transform into a variety of different characters and perform their famous movements in the form of exercise. For this workout you will need a broom or a long stick (or something similar) Additionally if you would like to dress up as your favourite character too, then we would be very impressed indeed. If you do choose to dress up then please do share your pictures back to the WheelPower so we can admire the outfits.
The Hero and Princesses Workout
It is time to transform yourselves into a real-life Pirate with this WheelPower Workout from Ella! In this 20-minute workout we will transform into Pirates as we sail out to sea and learn many of their iconic movements. You don’t need any equipment for this workout, but if you would like to dress up as a pirate just like Ella, then we would strongly encourage this!
These secondary online exercise classes are aimed at ages 12-17
Test your sporting knowledge with this WheelPower Workout from Ella! In this 20 minute session we will be performing a variety of different sporting moves, but will you be able to guess which sport they will be? To take part in this workout you will need the follows equipment: a broom or a pole, and also something that you can use as a weight, for example, tins of soup or baked beans!
Spread those wings and reach for the skies for this WheelPower Workout with Ella! In this session we celebrate the aeroplane and how amazing it feels to fly. During this 20 minute workout we will be performing a variety of different sporting moves and absolutely no equipment is needed to enjoy this session.
It is time to let the dice decide, with this WheelPower Workout from Ella! In this 20-minute workout we will roll the dice to determine the exercises we will need to complete. For this workout you will need something that you can use as a weight, For example, Tins of beans, or big bottles of water.
Take a trip around the world with this workout of discovery aimed at building up muscle strength. In this 20-minute workout, Ella will guide us to a variety of different countries from around the world and perform an exercise at each country we visit. For this workout you will not need any equipment, but if you would like to dress up in an outfit that you bought on your travels then please do so.
How well do you know your Emoji’s? This WheelPower Workout from Ella brings together our love of emoji’s and exercise. In this 20-minute workout we will discover lots of different emojis and be copying their actions with some fun stretches and exercises. For this workout you will need something that you can use as a weight, For example, tins of beans, or big bottles of water.
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Join WheelPower and Luiz Faye for a FREE Online Adaptive Box-Fit Class from home...
Join WheelPower and Ella Archer EVERY Tuesday Morning at 11am for a FREE Online Exercise Class...
Join WheelPower and Nina EVERY Wednesday at 11am to experience a FREE Online Yoga Class...